Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I'm sorry...

I apologize to my husband. He is the manliest man I have ever met. He is not and never should have been a male cheerleader. He grunts and grows chest hair with the best of them.

(Is this better Ryan?)

My husband should have been a cheerleader.

For years in high school, I desperately tried to get Ryan to become a male cheerleader...he refused, over and over and over again. But tonight as I watched him toss our children into the air, I couldn't help but think of how great he would have been :)

Camryn's turn!
And now for Morgan!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Just a quick update on the girlies:

Morgan is absolutely loving school. She loves all of her new friends and she comes home with lots of stories and information that she overloads us with :) Just ask Aunt Jenny~ Jenny and her friends learned all about Noah!

Morgan has also figured out how to dive!

Camryn is enjoying having some quality alone time with me and RJ while Morgan is at school. She talks a whole lot more when big sis isn't around...and she is able to love on little brother all by herself! She is definitely loving being a big sister.


It's official...my little baby boy is on the move! He has been trying to scoot for the last couple of weeks. 4 days ago he figured out how to scoot backwards ~ which got him into all sorts of trouble. He got stuck underneath the coffee table and the dining room chairs.

Last night he gave one good push and that was it...he was army crawling across the floor! I grabbed Ryan's phone and took a quick video. Enjoy!