This is Max. He is a 7 year old Pit-Bull Mix. Ryan and I adopted him from the Humane Society exactly 6 days after I moved to Colorado Springs. He was always #1. He's very spoiled and enjoys getting his way all of the time (I guess he and I are pretty similar). Well poor Max has been through everything with us....getting married, moving, and babies. I think with Baby RJ on the way, Max is feeling very neglected...
We try to give him as much attention as possible, but with 2 kids and a busy house to run...he will demand attention at times.
Max's favorite thing to do (besides sleeping in our bed, licking Grandma Marchiel's feet, eating leftovers, and snuggling in between Ryan and I~always in between us) is to smell Ryan's stinky boots at the end of the day. He gets so excited every night as Ryan takes off his boots. I don't know if it's the smell of the foot powder Ryan uses or what, but every night this happens...
It's almost like a drug for him. He puts his entire face in the boot, rolls around with it on his face, then continues to roll on the ground and sneeze for close to 5 minutes. The girls now know to stand clear of Max as he tends to get pretty worked up. They usually end up climbing on Ryan and giggling until Max finishes.
This is Max...our crazy first son.
Awww.. He's a cutie Lisa! I LOVE the pictures of Ryan and your girls and the one with Max upside down and his nose in the shoe. That's adorable! We're worried about how our "weina babies" are going to react to our baby once she's here....