Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

Well we made it! It has been a busy few months, but we survived :) We are officially moved into our new house (almost completely unpacked) and Ryan is getting settled into the new squadron. South Carolina is treating us well! Our neighborhood is awesome and our neighbors are even better! I will post pictures of the house later; when I have more time...I have 1 asleep in his crib, 1 asleep in my lap as I type, and 1 coloring on the floor next to me.

Until later...
Ryan, Lisa, Morgan, Camryn, & RJ

Thursday, January 14, 2010

...and I am SuperGirl...

Today the kids and I spent a few hours at the park after Morgan was done with school. Usually we head to the base park, but today we stayed at the school. There was an older boy (and by older, I mean he was 6 or 7) teasing Morgan, Camryn, and Caroline (M's BFF). The boy was taunting the girls...teasing them that he was up on top of the playground and waaaayyyyy higher than they were. I was watching them interact, trying to see how they would handle it. Camryn walked away, Caroline ran to her mom, and Morgan...well Morgan didn't take it. I watched as she shook her finger at him and told him "You aren't supposed to be up there. It is against the rules. I don't care that you're up there...I can jump really high...and I. Am. Supergirl." She was so matter-of-fact...with a little "don't mess with me" attitude...hip cocked and all.

I wanted to laugh at her response, but instead, I was amazed with her. My little girl can handle her own...because She is Supergirl.

***the last 20 minutes at the park consisted of Morgan giving the little boy an "I dare you to come near me" stare anytime he came within 2 feet of her, Camryn, or Caroline. ***